
Silver - time well spent

At the outset of the 1990s, five men decided to make their dreams come true and build the world's best motor boats for the demanding conditions experienced in the North. To this end, they left the company they were working for and set up their own company. Their very first prototype was awarded a prize for Best Trolling Boat. Since then, the boat range has grown to become an impressive fleet of aluminum boats.

Nowadays Silver boats are a common sight out at sea and on lakes, attracting loyal followers in both its homeland and increasingly throughout the world. Not that it's any wonder - since Silver is in a design class of its own: Durable and comfortable, our boats offers the best features of a durable marine aluminium hull and a comfortable, reinforced plastic interior.

Silver has always paid particular attention to silence, as we feel nothing is more relaxing than spending your spare time enjoying the peace and quiet, away from the hustle of the everyday city life. Read more about what makes the Silver boats quieter than most competitors. Our mission is to develop boats that allow you to follow your dreams at sea, no matter be it cruising along the coast with your family and friends, or enjoying some quality time with your fishing rod. Simply put - Time Well Spent.

When buying a Silver boat, you know you've acquired a durable Finnish quality product that makes boating simple, carefree and fun. Due to our unique manufacturing method our boats are not only comfortable, safe and quiet, but they also retain their value over the years.

