Kellox AS is the new distributor of Silver AluFibre™ boats in Norway.

TerhiTec Oy and Kellox AS have signed a long term distribution agreement for Silver AluFibre™ boats in Norway. TerhTec Oy is the Finnish manufacturer of Terhi, Silver AluFibre™ and Sea Star boats. TerhiTec Oy is a part of Oy Otto Brandt Ab Group, the distributor of Honda outboard engines in Finland.
AS Kellox is the Norwegian distributor for Terhi, Sea Star and now also for Silver AluFibre™ boats. Kellox AS is also the distributor for Honda outboard engines in Norway.
Silver has over 20 years of experience in building aluminum boats and was the first one on the market to combine aluminum hull with GRP inner liner in the boat construction.  Silver has a product range of 16 different models, and is distributed worldwide.

TerhiTec Oy is the only boat manufacturer that uses Aluminium and GRP as well as ABS in their production.
“We know the Kellox way of working and we have a very good relationship from before with Terhi and Sea Star boats, so the decision was quite natural. We are sure it will be beneficial for both of us.” says Christopher Sjöblom, Export Director at TerhiTec Oy.
“We are very happy with the agreement, and finaly we have the opportunity to provide our customers a very high quality aluminum boat. I had the opportunity to test drive Silver boats during the spring in Finland, and I was very impressed with the outstanding handling and performance of them. I am sure that they will be a success in Norway.” says Olaf Olstad, Marketing Director at AS Kellox.

For more information:
TerhiTec Oy
Christopher Sjöblom, christopher.sjoblom(a)
+ 358 207 510 256
AS Kellox
Finn Høge, finn.hoge(a)
+47 47 80 90 00
Olaf Olstad
+47 47 90 68 18 80

See also  Press release by Kellox

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